

Film Education

The Fraser Centre: Combining school & public screenings

The Fraser Centre share their experience of combining school and public screenings for foreign-language films.

Member News

Film Exhibition Fund Recipients Announced

We're delighted to share the organisations that we have supported in this round of the BFI FAN Film Exhibition Fund.

Member News

Scottish Screenings: November

From Cuban animation to hotly anticipated new features, check out the must-see screenings across Scotland this November.

Member News

Screenings celebrate Powell and Pressburger’s Scottish connection

Scottish cinemas - from Inverness to the Isle of Mull - are hosting screenings and events as part of the BFI's new Powell and Pressburger season.

Member News

Film Exhibition Fund Recipients Announced

Learn more about the successful applications to our second round of funding for the 2023/24 BFI FAN Film Exhibition Fund.

Member News

Scottish Screenings: September

Check out the melting pot of screenings happening this September, including SQIFF, Sea Change, Montrose LandxSea and many more.

Member News

Film Exhibition Fund recipients announced

Learn more about the projects that have been successful in their applications to the BFI FAN Film Exhibition Fund.

Member News

Scottish Screenings: Summer

Some of the brilliant film events happening across Scotland over the next few months, from Hawick to the Hebrides.

Member News

Local Hero 40th Anniversary Weekender

Celebrations of the 40th anniversary of Local Hero will take place in Aberdeenshire, from 25 - 28 May, organised by Cinescapes.

Member News

Scotland’s Spring film festival round-up

Highlights from a bumper crop of film festival's taking place across Scotland this Spring.

Member News

Catalan Film Festival returns to Scotland

An exciting programme from Catalan Film Festival as it returns to Scotland, 21 January - 15 February 2023, across Dundee, Glasgow, Edinburgh and online.

Member News

In Dreams are Monsters: BFI Horror screenings in Scotland

Read about Scottish highlights from the UK-wide BFI Horror programme, In Dreams are Monsters.