Matchbox Cineclub: How-to Captioning
5th August 2021 -
By Matchbox Cineclub
Sessions & Advice from Matchbox Cineclub
As part of the Film Hub Scotland Access Forum, Matchbox Cineclub has run ‘how-to’ sessions on how FAN members can make their programmes as accessible as possible. Keep an eye on your Events page & social media for any future events!
If FAN members have any questions about captioning, from cost to practicalities of work they can’t undertake themselves, then please get in touch at matchboxcine@gmail.com. Matchbox can advise Film Hub Scotland members on the use and creation of SDH captions.
For new exhibition projects or new members, Film Hub Scotland may be able to support the creation of SDH captions for films. Organisations should email enquiries to info@filmhubscotland.com, or to matchboxcine@gmail.com.
Watch Session 1: Principles of Subtitling
Watch Session 2: Practicalities of Subtitling
PDF Resource: Subtitling Services and Recommended Software