A black, blue and white image shows Chilean farmers at work.

Host a multi-arts Chilean folk tour with MUCAM

Chilean archival collective, MUCAM, seeks partner organisations for a multi-arts folk tour in November.

MUCAM (Museo Campesino en Movimiento), a Chilean archival collective, seeks partner venues or other organisations to host their modular programme of music and cinema stories celebrating little-known folk traditions from Chile. The collective seeks to build relationships to build a network of like-minded archivists, folklorists and enthusiasts.

Hosts can book any combination of the following from MUCAM:

  • Two new 40-minute documentaries about ‘the angelicas / canto a lo diving’ tradition
  • A Q&A with MUCAM alongside Gordon Ashworth of Mississippi records, set to release an LP of MUCAM’s canto a lo divino recordings this November
  • A listening party for the record
  • A DJ selection of traditional Chilean music

The touring party requests modest fees to be hosted in their local area.

Contact us for further information and to be connected to the collective.